

Snowdonia has so much to offer; impossibly impressive mountains, breathtaking views, rich history and culture. But it's often hard to know how to access all of this. We can help you to plan a fantastic, memorable trip

Violent volcanic activity first shaped these mountains, the cwms and valleys later carved out by the glaciers. The dramatic rock formations hold hidden treasures of unique plants and flowers flourishing in the rock crevices. And amid this often harsh mountain landscape, determined and proud people have left their traces throughout the ages; from neolithic hut circles and iron age forts through to the old copper mines, and the most recent legacy of the Slate quarrymen.




Get the most out of your time away. Set realistic goals that everyone can enjoy and use a guide’s local knowledge and experience of planning a day and setting a pace to keep all ages and experiences happy.

Whether it's a dramatic scramble, a rock climbing adventure or a family stroll on the beach, we can help. We are more than happy to share our advice for great local places and accommodation, as well as provide an informative and experienced guide for any activities you are interested in.

From half days to multiple days, everyone's needs are different, please get in touch to discuss further options.




Getting away from it all and finding some space to breath is a huge part of what motivates us to spend time in the outdoors. We believe that building a greater connection with nature, logging off and rediscovering a slower pace is fundamental to a better quality of life.

Our increasingly sedentary society makes all of us vulnerable to loneliness, anxiety, depression and so many other health problems. Wide open spaces give us the room to breathe, supportive and inclusive access to the outdoors is now more important than ever. Get in touch to discuss how we can tailor the best experience to suit your needs.


personal development


It’s not always about the highest summit or the hardest climb- the greatest challenges we face are not always the most obvious. The outdoors offers ample opportunities to learn about what holds us back.

Through the experiences of climbing and mountaineering we can learn to understand our own capabilities and push our limits. We want to help you develop the confidence to face the challenges we encounter in the wider world.

Together we can discuss the best way to ensure that you have a meaningful and memorable experience.